2030 Sustainable Development Goals
We aim to become a leading company in our sectors by leveraging our management resources and expertise and combining them with local resources to construct sustainable business models.
ESG approach
We aim to actively address ESG issues and realize a sustainable society.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, and 17 goals and 169 targets were identified as issues to be solved on a global scale by 2030. it was done. We also support this activity and will actively work to contribute to achieving the goals of the SDGs.
Sustainability initiatives
Around the world, population growth is causing hunger, food shortages, and environmental destruction. In order to conserve water resources and improve grain self sufficiency, we produce livestock feed from fast growing bamboo and nutrient rich hemp seeds, which do not require much water.
Electricity supports social infrastructure that is essential to daily life, industry, and the economy. We are researching and developing small wind turbines with a small footprint so that we can supply the necessary amount of electricity to the required place without having to run the electric wires that are the supply material.
“Connecting with someone” is the most important thing for humans. By developing the community organization we aim for, we will take on the challenge of creating a "realistic virtual space," which is an unexplored field in terms of "connecting people through their five senses."